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KeePass Password Manager Tutorial

Keepass 2

Get the Installer for Windows (2.45) aka KeePass-2.45-Setup.exe. After you get it install Keepass 2

Keepass has a variety of useful plugins listed here:

I recommend the following below for now. Plugins always have a .plgx file extension.

After you downloaded the necessary .plgx plugins. Copy or move them into the Plugins folder at C:\Program Files (x86)\KeePass Password Safe 2\Plugins.

Introduction - Master Password

To start off you will be creating a master password which is the masterkey to access all your other passwords. This password should be long, easy remember, but difficult for a computer to guess. Please refer to the image below to see what I mean.


You can test theoretical passwords to see how strong they are here:

These concepts are important to security so if you don't want to get pwned follow the advice above. Do not lose or forget your master password otherwise you will not be able to access your Keepass database ever again.



Why Keepass?

I don't trust online password managers because they are closed sourced and companies have been hacked in the past. If you look up "lastpast breached" in Google you can see my point. Keepass is open source and offline. Why put your trust in a company when you can create and access the database yourself?

An honorable mention is bitwarden. They are also open-source and you have the option of hosting your own bitwarden server at home if you choose to.