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NanoPi R6S R4S for Gigabit SQM With OpenWrt
I made a new significant discovery on 2024.01.07 that makes the NanoPi R6S capable of pushing pas...
Installing Windows 10
Unplugging second+ drives with windows installations on them. You may ignore this section if thi...
x86 routers for Gigabit SQM with OpenWrt
If you're here. It's because you want to get SQM for 1400Mbps+ and connections. The reason I'm sa...
Senior Shinobi NVR Stack configuration when getting new Gateway / Firewall
DNS Freenom DNS records updated to new public IP Ports Forwarded If on Xfi Gateway this has to...
Brimstone Fracture Lineups
Molly B Default From B Long near T Spawn Molly B Default From Arcade Molly B Default From...
Sova Line Ups Bind
Hookah to Pocket 2.5 Bars Short to Cat (1 Bounce, Full Bars) Short To Top of A Haven (1 Bar...
Brimstone / KJ Ascent
Brimstone Bind
B Default Mollys From B Teleporter From B Fountain A Mollys Triple Stack From Sands Fr...
Viper Lineups Pearl
Snake Bite B Orange Box Time to Land: ~5.37s Snake Bite B Default Time to Land: ~5.31s Sn...
Valorant Lineups Viper New Bind
Attack Mollys From A Shower Side From A Short side From B Teleport From B Fountain (Op...
Viper Icebox
Brimstone Haven Mollys
A Default Long Corner Plant A Default Plant (7s flight) B Post Plant from Spawn B Post P...
Viper Lineups Split
A Default Mollys Post A Plant Variations
Breach Haven
Killjoy Lotus
Sauce Omen's also OP on lotus if someone took your KJ
Sage Walls Haven
One Ways A Site
Sova Lineups Icebox
Attack Full A Site Easy B Site Attack Defense A Rafters to Belt (God) Easy A Wall ...
Sova Lineups Ascent
Defense A Retake #1 A Retake #2 A Hell Retake A Rafters to A Lobby Attack Clea...
Sova Lineups Breeze
Offense To B Site To A Site Anti Operator To A Site Back Wall Defense To B Cave T...
Valorant Viper Attack Lineups + 1 Defense Lineup
Map: Bind A Site: Showers Smoke, Poison, Wall Photo 1: Mollys Photo 2: SmokePhoto 3: Wall V...